Thousands of runners who braved the scorching heat early Saturday, July 24 for the Bix 7 race got a glimpse of the heart of the Hilltop Campus Village (HCV) in Davenport.
Though they likely did not stop then for a stirring jolt of coffee or admire some of the area’s striking architecture, Scott Tunnicliff and Molly
Molly Otting Carlson will start as new HCV executive director on Aug. 2.
Otting Carlson certainly hope they’ll be back soon to take in all the area has to offer.
Tunnicliff – an avuncular, dedicated 66-year-old economic development leader – recently retired as the first HCV director in its 12-year history. Carlson, a 52-year-old Davenport native, left her job as a vice president at Visit Quad Cities to take the reins of the nonprofit (and only Main Street Iowa organization in Scott County) as of Aug. 2.
December 15, 2020
The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County held their final regular business meeting of 2020 on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, in the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown.
The first order of business for the Commissioners was the approval of a request to amend the St. Mary’s County Code Length of Service Awards (LOSAP) process to award a blanket of 25 LOSAP points to all qualifying volunteers for 2020.
The Commissioners approved a public hearing to receive public comments on an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to include new zoning classification for commercial weddings held on farms in St. Mary’s County.
Representatives from the YMCA of the Chesapeake and the YMCA Exploratory Committee discussed steps to move forward in the planning of a YMCA in St. Mary’s County. The Commissioners approved an agreement with the YMCA of the Chesapeake to complete a Campaign Feasibility Study.