A 12-year-old boy finds himself in 2nd grade instead of 6th grade, a result of poverty in a village where the MILF set up a camp during its armed struggle years ago
INTERVENTION. The Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) on Wednesday (June 29, 2022) said some 305 national IDs and 1,064 birth certificates belonging to decommissioned Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) members and their families were processed through the civil registration assistance project spearheaded by Joint Task Force on Camps Transformation and the Philippine Statistics Authority. The process is part of their full integration into mainstream society. (Photo courtesy of OPAPRU) MANILA - The government has assisted decommissioned Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) combatants and their families to register for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) and acquire birth certificates as part of their full integration into mainstream society. The Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) on Wednesday reported that some 305 Philippine identification (PhilID) cards or the national ID and 1,0
The European Union, along with Australia and the United Nations, is launching two projects aimed to support former combatants, families, and communities in their transition.
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What’s new? Two years into a three-year transition, the “normalisation” process that aims to disarm ex-rebels and pay peace dividends to the Philippines’ Bangsamoro region is behind schedule, partly because of COVID-19. Manila has recently taken steps to restore the momentum, but time is of the essence.
Why does it matter? Normalisation has several essential components, including supplying socio-economic support, deploying peacekeeping teams to boost conflict mitigation efforts and disbanding private militias. Whether or not the government extends the 2022 deadline for the political transition, delays in carrying out these measures could frustrate former insurgents and raise the risk of violence.