Training to Become Electrician illuminated the Path of Ali Issa (IDP)
8 Mar 2021
“We used to have difficulty earning a living… but now, my family’s condition has changed for the better and I managed to pay off all my debts”.
This is how Ali Issa, IDP, describes his situation before and after his training in the capacity building program on livelihood skills in the field of electricity, arranged by the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR), and focusing on 7 professions. The program falls within the activities of the Camp Management Support Project that was implemented in the districts of Sahar and Safra, Saada Governorate; and funded by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).
Training on sewing improves Rasha s life
Rasha Mohammad Ali is a Yemeni woman in her forties, who supports a family consisting of her husband (with chronic heart disease), 5 sons and 3 daughters.
Rasha and her family used to live in Haradh, Saada governorate, but war forced them to flee to Qamal camp in the Al-Talh area, Sahar district. Heading her family, she tried to cope with displacement, which she describes as harsh and tiring because she had to endure many life difficulties.
Fortunately, Rasha was nominated to join a training program on capacity building in livelihood skills (sewing), implemented by the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response, targeting 140 IDPs in 7 professions within the activities of the Camp Management Support Project and the Simple Maintenance of Displaced Community Sites, in the districts of Sahar and Safra, and funded by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).