Donations collected through the Paper Egg Campaign in Saskatchewan will remain in the province and go towards funding programs and services that aim to improve the quality of life of children, youth and adults who are experiencing disability – this includes Camp Easter Seal, Summer Fun and Adaptive Technology Services. In 2021, SaskAbilities and Camp Easter Seal have also announced Camp Connected, an online, virtual program open to all Saskatchewan residents experiencing disability. “Although we will miss visiting little Manitou and Watrous in person this year, during the months of June, July and August we will bring the best of camp to you via virtual activities, challenges, campfires, videos and much more. Interactive and engaging programming will run from June 14 – August 19, 2021,” stated a release.
Mar 2, 2021 7:41 AM
The 12-day long Easter Seals Snow-A-Rama was a huge success, despite the the pandemic, as more than $115 thousand was raised to help people with disabilities in Saskatchewan. More than 150 riders took part, and Kenn Propp was the top fundraiser at over $40 thousand. Money raised will go to help kids and youth with disabilities enjoy Camp Connected, Camp Easter Seals virtual camping experience.