how about saying jennifer, how about saying it s wrong? is it instead of instead of it s a political winner. how about saying it s wrong and we shouldn t be doing this. i m saying t.ry, did you not hear me say i m in camp civility. don t give him what he wants. i think we should have civil discourse. i think the president should start at the top, but i also think that everybody else should be doing that as well. i don t want this this strategy or this tactic to end up backfiring, but i also don t want it to send a message to any of our children that that s how we should be behaving. that s not how we behave in this country and, unfortunately, the president has coarse ended the discourse so much that it has become daily fodder that people are insulting one another you know. anger is exhausting, and there is it is. i m tired of it. i know, jennifer. i m sick and tired of being sick and tired. on the right and the left. on the right and the left
administration. go shame them. you can t compare someone calling for civil disobedience. of course not. with a policy that has torn children from their families. of course not. as a tactic how does it help? i ll tell you. spare me i won t be lectured by president trump. or any of his allies over civil discourse and what the definition of civility is. these are people that have courseened our discourse beyond almost repair. and the first thing out of the gate that antonio sabato jr. said to you was that maxine waters should be arrested. at the same time saying that we have to put the flag and the constitution first. last time i checked there s a first amendment in the constitution. yet he wants to put it first. but put her in prison for exercising it. what s theolution for flame throwing? stay way from gasoline.
we asked her on today. she s not calling for violence. i completely understand the frustration that many feel at what is going on at the border and feeling like we don t have the control in any place shape or form. put me in camp civility. i think that we can do this in a way that gets the message across that doesn t help donald trump. right now he is loving this. because he ends up trolling her. he is insulting her personally. and hoping just hoping that more democrats follow his cabinet around with iphones and chase them out of restaurants so he can be the victim. he loves being the victim. he only wants to be the victim and i don t want to give him that gift. so rick santorum, do you agree in as much as jennifer is saying the president loves this. he exaggerated it. he said maxine waters wants them
let s see what s done on both sides. protecting children and keeping them with their parents is definitely a hill to die on. debbie wasserman schultz, thank you for coming on the show to make the case. thank you. appreciate it. keep us in the loop for what s happening with the kids. thank you so much. so president trump loves what maxine waters said about him. he s now lecturing her on civility. he went to a rally in south carolina that may still be going on for ail know where he was saying i m the victim. attacking maxine waters for being low iq and rallying up his crowd. the question is where does this start to get better? that is a great topic for the great debate ahead. when we were dating, we used to get excited about things like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house. matt: voilà! jen: matt started turning into his dad. matt: mm. that s some good mulch. i m awake. but it was pretty nifty when jen showe
organization. go shame them you can t compare for someone who is calling for civil disobedience. i m saying as a tactic, how does it help. to a policy that has torn children from their families. as a tactic how does it help? spare me, i certainly won t be lectured by president trump or any of his allies over civil discourse and what the definition of civility is. fair point. these are people that have koor coarsened our discourse beyond the gate and the first thing out of the gate that an interwhy i that antonio sabato said to you was that maxine waters should be imprisoned. you try to stay away from