LMFM By Caitriona Rooney Camp At Home will boost participants’ physical and mental well-being
Members of Irish Girl Guides (IGG) are busy preparing for their first ever Easter Camp At Home and they are inviting children, young people and families across Ireland to take part too.
There is no need to own a tent. Campers can make a blanket fort under their kitchen table or pile up some cushions in the living room to make a makeshift shelter for the night. Everyone is encouraged to use their imagination and to have fun!
IGG has compiled an Easter Camp At Home activity pack (available to download from the news section of their website www.irishgirlguides.ie) with lots of ideas for Easter-themed activities, crafts, games and recipes to keep everyone busy during the camp. Crafts include an Easter Basket and Easter Sock Bunnies and outdoor activities include Nature Eye Spy.