Transform, the engine room for powerful performance in the north of England, has announced the full programme for the 2023 edition of their international performance festival. Kully Thiarai, Creative Director and CEO of LEEDS 2023: “We are absolutely delighted to be supporting Transform with its most impressive festival to date. The festival sits within the
(1970) calling for a criminal justice system that rehabilitates instead of merely punishes.
Abroad he was often feted as a hero to the oppressed and disenfranchised. In the United States, he was admired by social justice activists but often hated by conservatives who viewed it unpatriotic to criticize the United States’ human rights record or its actions abroad. He founded the International Action Center to strive for a wide platform of social justice issues with the goal that he aspired to of creating a more fair and equal world with respect for the rule of law for all. While he had taken on numerous board functions after leaving public office, he gradually withdrew from them to focus on direct action that often required putting himself in danger’s way. He was recognized as a recipient of the Gandhi Peace Award (1992) and the Eighth United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights on 10 December 2008 on the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Huma
by Roger Stoll / April 8th, 2021
Republican strategist Karl Rove often advised his clients to attack not the enemy’s weaknesses but its strenghts. The bipartisan US foreign policy disinformation machine has taken Rove’s advice with tedious devotion. So, to attack Nicaragua, the machine’s fabrications and propaganda have targeted some of that country’s strengths: gender equity, Indigenous rights and autonomy, democracy, sovereignty, and a successful response to the pandemic, as well as the Sandinista government’s great popularity.
This should not surprise. It’s the same Rovian method used against Nicaragua’s friends and allies and countries the US designates enemies. For example, to attack Venezuela, the machine ignores the country’s electoral hyper-democracy and dubs the popular government “dictatorial.” To attack Cuba, the machine calls Cuba’s doctors and nurses working in the most medically underserved corners of the world and fighting the pandemic in dozens
Claypaky fixtures light Nanpa Básico stream
Tuesday, 26 January 2021
A large complement of Claypaky fixtures lit the live-streamed show
Columbia - Rapper and singer-songwriter Nanpa Básico held his virtual Kosmo concert last autumn with a large complement of Claypaky fixtures lighting up the live-streamed show. A team from Arbol Naranja, led by Jorge Jiménez, Camilo Mejía and William Gallo, were challenged to craft a virtual concert that the public would enjoy from their homes and that recreated the mood of a live show on any digital device. “Reinventing the way in which Nanpa s music is consumed live opened a door for us to a format that we will continue to perform in, without any doubt,” says Arbol Naranja manager Jorge Jiménez.
Colombian rapper and singer/songwriter Nanpa Básico held his virtual KOSMO concert last fall with a large complement of Claypaky fixtures lighting up the live-streamed show.
A team from Arbol Naranja, led by Jorge Jiménez, Camilo Mejía and William Gallo, were challenged to craft a virtual concert that the public would enjoy from their homes and that recreated the mood of a live show on any digital device. “Reinventing the way in which Nanpa s music is consumed live opened a door for us to a format that we will continue to perform in, without any doubt,” says Arbol Naranja Manager Jorge Jiménez.