A kind-hearted teacher who ‘knew people still needed food’ as coronavirus raged
Updated Dec 17, 2020;
Posted Dec 17, 2020
Camille Horihan, right, is a teacher at Moore Catholic High School. She is being honored as part of this year s Advance Women of Achievement 2020 – The Front Line.Camille Horihan
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Editor’s note: The Staten Island Advance/SILive.com is proud to dedicate its annual Women of Achievement program, established in 1964 and celebrated every year since, to local heroes; we are calling it Staten Island Women of Achievement 2020 – The Front Line. When we put out a call for nominations, we received many heartfelt words about these brave women, who have made such a difference in our community throughout the coronavirus pandemic. We are publishing parts of some of these nominations, as they are the true voices of the impact of these true heroes. Congratulations to this 2020 Woman of Achievement: Camille Horihan.