Eight-year-old Easton Schlein is the 'king of hearts' for this year's Hands for Hearts gala, aiming to raise thousands for CHD research at Duke Health in Greensboro.
Hands for Hearts funds a Duke University fellowship to research congenital heart defects (CHDs), a diagnosis statistics show is all-too-common yet underfunded.
Heartfelt mission: Triad non-profit perseveres in pandemic on $1 million quest for children with special hearts
As the pandemic paused the world, Hands For Hearts knew its mission to help children couldn’t stop. The group persevered on its quest to $1 million. Author: Meghann Mollerus Updated: 4:35 AM EDT April 7, 2021
GREENSBORO, N.C. A Triad non-profit is on a heartfelt mission to raise $1 million.
Yes, it sounds like a tall order, especially when a global pandemic has foiled fundraising events all across the country. But, when children s lives are in the balance, there is no option but to persevere. At the end of the day, there s still a need. Children are still going to have CHDs (congenital heart defects), and there are still doctors needed to work on them, and we have a commitment to Duke Children s (Hospital), where we fund their fourth-year (pediatric cardiology) fellow, said Cameron Wannamaker.