five months was plenty of time behind bars so he vacated the verdict. he also put blame on the adults who host to the party. the victim waived anonymity and is now speaking out. cameron vaughn had told prosecutors that she woke up to him on top of her with a pillow on her face so she wouldn t scream with him inside of her and says this decision shows adrian is not fit to be a judge. we reached out for comment from drew clinton s attorney and expected to get a statement shortly and we ve also contacted the family of cameron vaughn, but no response yet. tomi, nothing about this is just. nothing about this serves the community. tomi: i think of how sad it is with this victim, this victim had to come out at such a young age and detail what happened to her, just to advocate for herself. that s not what she s supposed to be doing, that is not on her shoulders to do and it s quite disgusting because of this judge
to come out publicly like this, i applaud her courage. but i m with tomi, it s a reprehensible case and there s no expunction for what happened. kayleigh: the judge came out and said the court is totally disgusted with that whole thing, the community is disgusted with the verdict. harris, this judge blamed the parents. he said it they allowed a 16-year-old s to bring liquor to a party. they provide liquor to underage people. and there s no evidence of that. and then he said, and you wonder how these things happen. so this guy is spreading his version of morality on thick and blaming the parents for that you see on the right of your screen. cameron vaughn is the and the judge blamed the parents. harris: the word about consent, i know we can tie it to an age but i m really trying to understand the morality of consent. so this defendant said, i can