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Subscriber only COVERT cameras filmed the reckless antics of hoons doing burnouts at Swanbank as onlookers cheered them on. When another of the drivers to be caught in the sting went before an Ipswich court, police said they recorded three of the man s passengers hanging out of the car s open windows, with one dragging his left leg on the road when the grey Ford slid sideways. Cameron Danielle was brought in from jail to appear in the dock before the Ipswich Magistrates Court for sentence on 61 charges. Dressed in a bright red hoodie, Cameron Stephen Danielle, 22, from Bethania, pleaded guilty to three charges of evading police; three charges of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle in Swanbank on March 29, 2020; driving when disqualified by court order; six counts of driving when unlicensed - repeat offender; making unnecessary noise and smoke; stealing fuel; four counts of unlawful dealing with shop goods; registration offences; two counts of driving unlic