A runaway kangaroo that was spotted hopping around Oshawa, Canada, was captured by Durham police on Monday (4 December). Officers from Durham Regional Police Service went “above and beyond ‘roo-tine’ duty” in securing the safety of the marsupial, the department said. The animal was in a truck travelling to a zoo in Quebec when it escaped during a brief rest stop last Thursday, Cameron Preyde, park supervisor and head keeper for the Oshawa Zoo and Fun Farm, told CBC. She was returned to the zoo after four days on the run.
The officers snuck up behind the animal and grabbed its tail, which is how police were advised to capture the kangaroo after getting in touch with its handlers. The kangaroo, however, took issue with officers attempting to grab it and punched one of them.
A kangaroo that escaped its handlers during transport to a new home was captured on Monday east of Toronto after a weekend in the wild, but not before delivering a