and regularly. but they have also killed americans in iraq. they plotted to assassinate the saudi ambassador in washington, d.c., the man who was charged by not by the bush administration but by eric holder s justice department of attempting that crime was just sentenced to 25 years in prison. and secretary of state clinton said this was organized out of tehran and the two men who organized it are designated by the secretary of the treasury. we have a lot of issue ups with iran. and instead of rushing after smiles and nice words, we should be pursuing that whole agenda and not as we did with syria get trapped on a single piece of it. assad may or may not give up his chemical weapons but he s not giving up the tanks and helicopters and missiles that are slaughtering many, many more syrians than the chemical weapons. we need to keep a broad agenda. we need to be tough about it. and we need to hold these accountable for what they do not just what they say. but secretary wolfowitz, wha
hours reading green eggs and ham when there are real problems in the united states. i don t think it is a threat to obamacare. he doesn t have the boat votes. we are on national television would you say ted cruz has the votes. do you think it s possible he has the votes to win? i think it s funny the hypocrisy. can you answer the question? i m answering it now. listen to the words coming out of my mouth. none of you, either of you, criticized democrats when they wasted time for weeks on end trying to get a gun bill with passed everyone knew wasn t going to pass. you said it was noble, right, just. you knew and said it here they don t have the votes. the thing is ben the point is you can t use that analogy. calm down. we are talking about obamacare which is primarily aimed at bring americans into the health care umbrella who couldn t otherwise afford it. in terms of guns you can hardly
they have the kind of documentation that would allow them to easily travel to safe harbors. the presumption again from intelligence sources we ve been speaking to is that some of these safe harbors might be in the u.s. or europe. but again this is all very preliminary evidence, very preliminary speculation from the intelligence sources, anderson. nimi,christiane. last night the big news was the foreign minister who had said two or three of the attackers were americans. was there any further confirmation of that? the president spoke publicly today. has there been any confirmation of that? reporter: well, the president did touch on that. he said that they had strong intelligence that showed evidence that two or three of them were american, and one of them is a british woman. but it just sounds like the crime scene in there is it sounds pretty horrific, actually. they said they can t even begin to speculate on the nationalities of these people
whether the iranian government is authorized to talk on these issues and he said yes. i think that is actually quite important. apparently he s not authorized to shake hands with the president of the united states, which is fine with me. maybe not. so when the iranians say that it s too complicated to shake president obama s hand they just didn t have time. the iranians said rouhani said to you today he basically didn t have time. of course they could have done it if they wanted to do it. but the press all day today they had said it s too complicated is not an iranian quote? the americans said that. in iran there was a very right wing newspaper, hard linus paper who said you shouldn t do it. but certainly american officials were a really complicated internal political fight going on. and this is what gives me pause. the revolutionary guard is really what runs the economy in iran. and they are really a tool of
handshake. i think the iranians were saying they weren t ready for it. the administration to that answer rouhani saying we ve cooperated with the iaea. they would have a different story. they ve been transparent in phases trying to get an easing. that s the question now. will they do something to get an easing of sanctions and then stop again and be intransigent. let me bring in former secretary of the defense paul wolfowitz. good to have you on. what do you think of what rouhani said to christiane today? his words aren t terribly reassuring. he basically in the clip you played said we re not going to suspend plutonium enrichment which is the core issue. let s remember instead of focusing so much on sweet words about iranians love americans or whatever they actually do, and by the way, this regime is not entitled to speak for the iranian people. it murders them on a large scale