Ainsley kathy is the greatest mother ever steve tips. Ainsley good thick is having a morning show the dads do the lunch. Steve im going to have some of this right now. Ainsley guess what . Guess what . Second hour of fox friends starts right now steve soups on. All right. President Biden Touting the Inflation Reduction Act. Yep. One year later after signing it. But stays silent on his sons legal problems. Also admitted this was misnamed and giggled. Hunter now losing his criminal attorney after claiming the Justice Department backed out of a plea deal. And david weiss begs to differ. Peter doocy is live at the white house just down the road from me in our d. C. Bureau. And, peter, i saw your name on your office and it is huge. Its got a poll and i could not believe you got all these things. Thats why you rushed back to work. Pete brian, im at the white house. Can you check my mail . Brian i will. Right away. I saw the postman there a second ago. Is he wearing shorts here at the white h
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you get to lahaina. these hotel that line the beach now are starting to be filled with locals nobody is on the beach by the way. it s incredible. it s completely abandoned. except for now. locals and people who live in the area. take a look at this image from i want to show you something from one week ago almost exactly last webs at 2:00 a.m. hawaii time. this is what it looked like from where i m standing now over the camera shoulder. you would have seen this image of the hillside of lahaina burning throughout the night. there are on wednesday morning, august 9th. now here we are a week later, ainsley to answer your question directly. the attitude toward government response has been absolutely disappointed. it s been more than disappointment, it has been how is it? and i have said this and i think this is a general sentiment. just tell me how it is that we can send hundreds of millions of