operation. this is a great step. and, congratulations to the activists who have been pushing for this. and a congressional and executive-level for a long time. hats off to the biden white house. it s an amazing that appreciating president not call trump didn t do this. it s about time. good news. yes it is. thanks money,. think. thank you. president biden began his address to the nation tonight. on gun violence. with the report on what he found in his visit to uvalde. innocent victims, murdered in the classroom, that had been turned into a killing field. standing there and that small town, like so many other communities across america. i couldn t help but think, they are too many other schools, to many other everyday places, that have become killing fields. battlefields. here in america. tonight, president biden delivered the message to congress, and to the country, that he heard in uvalde. they had one message for all of us. do something. just do somethin
found in his visit to uvalde. innocent victims, murdered in the classroom, that had been turned into a killing field. standing there in that small town, like so many other communities across america. i couldn t help but think, they are too many other schools, too many other everyday places, that have become killing fields. battlefields. here in america. tonight, president biden delivered the message to congress, and to the country, that he heard in uvalde. they had one message for all of us. do something. just do something. for god sake, give something! after columbine, after sandy hook, after charleston, after orlando, after las vegas, after parkland, nothing has been done! this time that can t be true. this time we must actually do something. the president was asking the country for support tonight. and in washington, he was aiming the speech at ten republicans. this time it s time for the senate to do something. but, as we know, in order to do and get anything
storage for firearms and expanding red flag logs that can contain the behavior of exhibiting violence and tendencies. facing the reality of republicans refusal to ban assault rifles, the president asked that at a minimum, congress raise the legal age for purchasing mass murderers favorite weapon, to the age of 21. at the house judiciary committee hearing today, republican gun fetishism was on full display when a gun fanatic from florida, who is a member of the committee, play with his guns while joining the hearing via zoom. right here in front of me i have a six hour p2 to six. comes with a 21 round magazine. here is a six-hour, 320. here is a camera gonna carry every single day. this is an xl six-hour p3 65. i hope that s not loaded. i m in my house, i can do whatever i want with my guns.
committee hearing today, republican gun fetishism was on full display when a gun fanatic from florida, who is a member of the committee, play with his guns while joining the hearing via zoom. right here in front of me i have a six hour p2 to six. comes with a 21 round magazine. here is a six-hour, 3:20. here is a camera gonna carry every single day. this is an xl six-hour p3 65. i hope that s not loaded. i m in my house, i can do whatever i want with my guns. president biden tonight, said it should be illegal, to do whatever you want, or whatever he wants to do. with his guns. in his home. because a safe storage law should require that guns be locked in storage, whenever they are not in use. governor officials in texas continue to refuse to explain will happen in robb elementary school for 78 minutes when