yelling a little. so excited. ainsley: waking you up this morning. steve: good morning to all the people there in seattle if you are sleepless in seattle. we just had a little team work here. while ainsley was looking at her information, i actually placed the coffee order. ainsley: thank you. i just put it on my apple pay. steve: thank you. ainsley: the order is in if you want to pick it up for us it s 885. brian: that will be good. steve: fox & friends runs on dunkin . ainsley: dave, put the camera down go get what s really important our coffee. brian: some guy in the hard rock is going to leave the hotel and go over. ainsley: he doesn t know what location. steve: gee i wonder what location is close to where we are sitting. ainsley: send one over quickly. brian: do we have a big show. mighty revelations. ainsley: the washington post article. steve: the washington post has done some great journalism hand has connected some pieces and that s
yelling a little. so excited. ainsley: waking you up this morning. steve: good morning to all the people there in seattle if you are sleepless in seattle. we just had a little team work here. while ainsley was looking at her information, i actually placed the coffee order. ainsley: thank you. i just put it on my apple pay. steve: thank you. ainsley: the order is in if you want to pick it up for us it s 885. brian: that will be good. steve: fox & friends runs on dunkin . ainsley: dave, put the camera down go get what s really important our coffee. brian: some guy in the hard rock is going to leave the hotel and go over. ainsley: he doesn t know what location. steve: gee i wonder what location is close to where we are sitting. ainsley: send one over quickly. brian: do we have a big show. mighty revelations. ainsley: the washington post article. steve: the washington post has done some great journalism hand has connected some pieces and that s where we