Flooding in Cavalry Drive in March.
- Credit: Ian Carter
336 flood-related calls have reportedly been made to the Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue Service since midday yesterday and 8am today.
The Environment Agency has issued a warning about more flash flooding in Cambridgeshire on Thursday, December 24.
- Credit: Environment Agency
Cambridgeshire County Councillor Lynda Harford, who lives in Cottenham, tweeted: Between midday yesterday and 0800 today, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service received 447 calls, 336 of which were flood related. Crews and officers attended 43 flood related incidents in Cambridgeshire.
⚠️Please don t drive through flooding - it s not worth the risk!
Please be aware that we do not recover vehicles from flood water. #CambsFloodingpic.twitter.com/OKn328z5RA Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service (@cambsfrs) December 24, 2020