Those unable to find their record cards can get their information from their health care providers.
Sebeny recommends planning ahead for the discomfort avoiding strenuous activity, drinking plenty of fluids and practicing self-care. Most patients can take over-the-counter pain medicines, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, and a cool, wet washcloth can relieve pain at the injection area.
“What I tell people is that the pain at the injection site is the first symptom, and that usually gets better after the first day or so,” Sebeny said. “If the pain at the injection site gets worse after 24 hours, or if you have severe side effects, particularly after two days, then we definitely recommend people check in with their providers.”
Those unable to find their record cards can get their information from their health care providers.
Sebeny recommends planning ahead for the discomfort avoiding strenuous activity, drinking plenty of fluids and practicing self-care. Most patients can take over-the-counter pain medicines, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, and a cool, wet washcloth can relieve pain at the injection area.
“What I tell people is that the pain at the injection site is the first symptom, and that usually gets better after the first day or so,” Sebeny said. “If the pain at the injection site gets worse after 24 hours, or if you have severe side effects, particularly after two days, then we definitely recommend people check in with their providers.”