John Burgess on the Modern Life of Angkor Wat
Cambodia’s wondrous temples reflect the various stages of the country’s history, from colonialism to revolution to the present era of mass tourism.
February 23, 2021
The scale replica of the top tier of Angkor Wat created for the 1931 Colonial Exhibition in Paris.
Credit: Flickr/manhhai
Despite being built centuries ago, the temples of Angkor are central to the history of modern Cambodia. A silhouette of Angkor Wat has appeared on the flag of every post-independence Cambodian regime, including the murderous Khmer Rouge, who otherwise waged war on every vestige of Cambodia’s premodern past. In a new book, “Angkor’s Temples in the Modern Era: War, Pride and Tourist Dollars” John Burgess details the temples’ tumultuous journey through the modern era, from the dawn of French imperialism through the abyss of war and genocide, to the mass tourism of the present day.