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about revenge. and, yes, they ve lost a lot of weapons and explosives. but there s also ways here of replacing them on the black market. you can buy apparently american m ii or m 16 rifles for about £30,000. ironically, many of those have been stolen from israeli army stores. so i think that while all this messaging is going on about claiming victory, the messaging that isn t happening and hasn t happened for many years now is between the two sides and the message with the message, you know, we better talk about this, guys, because actually, if we don t, it s going to get worse. and i think in the continued absence of that, because there is no peace process and there are none of those contacts going on, i think the situation with everything else happening here remains just another couple of bad incidents
here of replacing them on the black market. you can buy apparently american m ii or m 16 rifles for about £30,000. ironically, many of those have been stolen from israeli army stores. so i think that while all this messaging is going on about claiming victory, the messaging that isn t happening and hasn t happened for many years now is between the two sides and the message with the message, you know, we better talk about this, guys, because actually, if we don t, it s going to get worse. and i think in the continued absence of that, because there is no peace process and there are none of those contacts going on, i think the situation with everything else happening here remains just another couple of bad incidents away from the next serious crisis. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, said that,
is absolutely crucial. some of these ideas are still in their infancy and logistically there are hurdles still to be overcome, but who knows if you ever find yourself needing to be located by a search dog, you never know, she just might be more undergrad than you are. on the grid. i more undergrad than you are. on the grid- on the grid. i think paul may have made on the grid. i think paul may have made a on the grid. i think paul may have made a new on the grid. i think paul may have made a new best - on the grid. i think paul may| have made a new best friend there. now this time of year is movie nomination season, and for us at lake that also means the opportunity to talk to some of the greatest minds in visual effect to see what they have been up to over the past year. first up, i look at the bafta nominated matrix: resurrections. ., ., , resurrections. i ve had dreams that were resurrections. i ve had dreams that were just resurrections. i ve had dreams that were