decided to be the nice more diplomatic donald trump. it is notable although the president in that press conference did praise theresa may s negotiating skills, saying they are perhaps better than his own and said that she really sort of brought the ball to the finish line on brexit, it was just a few days ago when he was doing interviews with the british press that he says he thinks the uk allowed the european union to have all the cards. so the question becomes which way does he really view it. nic robertson is with us as well. if we could build on what john king was talking about. calling jeremy corbin the leader of the opposition and sadiq kahn going negative, going farther with sadiq kahn and saying he has caused some of the people of his country and hurt the people of london. reporter: i was interested that president trump turned down a request from jeremy corbin for a meeting. jeremy corbin didn t go to the state dinner last night, missed an opportunity to perhaps have a few