ROSE HILL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, 2121 W. 26th Ave., will celebrate the Installation Services of the Pastor-Elect Clarence L. Holman. Pre-Installation Services will be Saturday at 5 p.m. with the Rev. James E. Mackey, the state president of the Regular Arkansas Baptist Convention, delivering the message. On Sunday, the Rev. Dewayne Lindsey, pastor of Faith Temple Full Gospel Baptist Church of Little Rock, will deliver the 10 a.m. message. The 3 p.m. guest speaker will be the Rev. George Parks of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of North Little Rock. The public is welcome to attend.
Editor’s note: To submit a nonprofit announcement to The Sentinel’s Religion section, contact Tom Laub at (717) 248-6741 or by email at Items also may be faxed to (717) 248-3481 or sent to The Sentinel, 352 Sixth St., Lewistown, PA 17044. Items must be received by Tuesday for publication in the Saturday edition. Submissions […]
Editor’s note: To submit a nonprofit announcement to The Sentinel’s Religion section, contact Tom Laub at (717) 248-6741 or by email at Items also may be faxed to (717) 248-3481 or sent to The Sentinel, 352 Sixth St., Lewistown, PA 17044. Items must be received by Tuesday for publication in the Saturday edition. Submissions […]