a way of bringing us back to the real consequences of violent islamic extremithsm in the world and that flag is torn and tattered with you still there. we have to remember the people who died under rubble like ndhat. geraldo: died under rubble like that and looking at one way hey areeing honored here. how many is that again, 12, 13, 14, 15f the 33 firefighters from ba a battalion nine. their pictures painted by supe artists thanks to darryl lynn, founder of hero portraits. how are the portraits funded? funmy wife and i fund them completely. we funded the entire project. geraldo: how nice of you. we started this a year and a half ago and we wanted to give back and we have been searching how to give back and this is the way to do it. o beautiful.
my mom and tell her. i don t remember if sheried to hide it to us or ease it to us. geraldo: what is that metal there?at my fher s badge. 7963. geraldo: when do you think you will be activ duty? t to take theai test coming up in january. geraldo: how old are you now? i m 21. i m 2 an 22 and i took the t already and i m waiting to hear back. geraldo: the founder of a group called hero portraits. nice to see you. these are eerily life like the paintings. some in the foreground also. the artists are terrific. how many have you done the portraits of? today we are up to 20 firefighters which we started four months ago. and how many gis? up to probably 200 plus and the asks come in daily. geraldo: how did you get the
my mom and tell her. i don t remember if she tried to hide it to us or ease it to us. geraldo: what is that metal ther fe? my father s badge. 7963. geraldo: when do you think you will be active duty? have to wait to take the test coming up in january. geraldo: how old are you now? i m 21. i m 2 an 22 and i took the t already and i m waiting to hear back. geraldo: the founder of a group called hero portraits. nice to see you. these are eerily life like the paintings. some in the foreground also. the artists areho terrific. how ny have you done the portraits of? today we are up to firefighters which we started four months ago. and how many gis? up to probably 200 plus and the asks come in daily. geraldo: how did you get the
my mom and tell her. i don t remember if she tried to hide it to us or ease it to us. geraldo: what is that metal there? my father s badge. 7963. geraldo: when do you think you will be active duty? have to wait to take the test coming up in january. geraldo: how olare you now? i m 21. i m 2 an 22 and i took the t already and i maiting to hear back. geraldo: the founder of a group called hero portraits. nice to see you. these are eerily life like the paintings. some in the foreground also. the artists are terrific. how many have you done the portits of? today we arep to 20 firefighters which we started four months ago. and how many gis? up to probably 200 plus and the asks come in daily. geraldo: how did you get the