that it can become a home. brian cheung, nbc news, kansas city, missouri. up next for us tonight, he s a champion surfer from maui now on a mission to help those who have lost so much. to helpp tho who h have se (man) what if f my type 2 2 diabets takes ovover? (woman) whwhat if all l i do isn t en? or what t if i can do diabetetes differenently? (avovo) now w you can wiwith once-wewy momounjaro. mounjaroro helps youour body reregulate blolood sugar,, and mounjajaro can helelp decre how mumuch food yoyou eat. 3 ouout of 4 peoeople reachehedc of less ththan 7%. plus p people takiking mounjao lostst up to 25 5 pounds. mounjajaro is not t for peoplelh tytype 1 diabebetes or chihildr. dodon t takeke mounjaro,o, if e allelergic to itit, you oror your famimily have medullarary thyroid d cancer, or multitiple endocrcrine neopla syndndrome type e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor doctctor right a away, if yoyoe an allerergic reactition, a lumr swelelling in yoyour neck, s see
or what t if i can do diabetetes differenently? (avovo) now w you can wiwith once-wewy momounjaro. mounjaroro helps youour body reregulate blolood sugar,, and mounjajaro can helelp decre how mumuch food yoyou eat. 3 ouout of 4 peoeople reachehedc of less ththan 7%. plus p people takiking mounjao lostst up to 25 5 pounds. mounjajaro is not t for peoplelh tytype 1 diabebetes or chihildr. dodon t takeke mounjaro,o, if e allelergic to itit, you oror your famimily have medullarary thyroid d cancer, or multitiple endocrcrine neopla syndndrome type e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor doctctor right a away, if yoyoe an allerergic reactition, a lumr swelelling in yoyour neck, s see stomacach pain, vivision chang, oror diabetic c retinopaththy. seserious sidede effects m y includude pancreatatitis and gagallbladder r problems. tataking mounjnjaro with sulfonylylurea or ininsulin ras low blblood sugar r risk. tell y your doctoror if you e nursrsing, pregngnant, or plalan to be. side effffects in
fefeel significant symymptom rerelief with h skyrizi, including g less abdomominal pn and fewewer bowel movementnts at 4 weeeeks. skyryrizi is thehe first anand only il-l-23 inhibitir for crohn n s that c can delir both clilinical remimission and endodoscopic impmprovemen. ththe majorityty of pepeople on skskyrizi achieved l long lastining remimission at 1 1 year. serious alallergic reaeactios anand an increreased ririsk of infefections or a a lower abibility to fight ththem may occccur. tellll your doctctor if you ue anan infectionon or symptoto, had d a vaccine e or plan to. liver proboblems may o occur inin crohn s disease.e. ask your g gastroenterologogit hohow you can n take contrtrl of youour crohn s with skykyri. controlol is everytything to learn n how abbvieie could d help you s save.
(avovo) now w you can wiwith once-wewy momounjaro. mounjaroro helps youour body reregulate blolood sugar,, and mounjajaro can helelp decre how mumuch food yoyou eat. 3 ouout of 4 peoeople reachehedc of less ththan 7%. plus p people takiking mounjao lostst up to 25 5 pounds. mounjajaro is not t for peoplelh tytype 1 diabebetes or chihildr. dodon t takeke mounjaro,o, if e allelergic to itit, you oror your famimily have medullarary thyroid d cancer, or multitiple endocrcrine neopla syndndrome type e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor doctctor right a away, if yoyoe an allerergic reactition, a lumr swelelling in yoyour neck, s see stomacach pain, vivision chang, oror diabetic c retinopaththy. seserious sidede effects m y includude pancreatatitis and gagallbladder r problems. tataking mounjnjaro with sulfonylylurea or ininsulin ras low blblood sugar r risk. tell y your doctoror if you e nursrsing, pregngnant, or plalan to be. side effffects inclulude naus, vomititing, and didiarrhea whicich
nobles for us, thank you for that. in 60 seconds, housing prices so high, more adult children are relying on their parents savings to buy a home. plus, our nbc news investigation into a top arkansas doctor accused of keeping patients against their will. stay with h us. mamartial artsts is my pasas. i wowork out whehenever i ca. but withth my moderarate- toto-severe ececzema, it c can be tougugh. nonow, i m stataying aheadad o. dupixexent helps h heal yoyour skin frfrom within.n. so youou can have cleararer skin, and noticeceably leless itch. seriouous allergicic reactios can ococcur that c can be sese. tellll your doctctor about nw oror worseningng eye problbls suchch as eye papain oror vision chchanges inincluding blurrered vision,, joint t aches and pain,, or a parasasitic infection.n. don n t change o or stop asthma mededicines without tatalking to your r doctor. ask yoyour doctorr abouout dupixentnt.