or multitiple endocrcrneoplalad, syndndroe e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor ctctor right a away, if yoyou he an allerergiactition, a lumpmp swng in yoyour neck, s severe stomacach pain, on ces, oror diabetic c retinopaththy. seserious sidede effects m t and gagallbladder r problems. tataking mounjnjaro with sulfonylylurea or ininsulin ras low blblood sugar r risk. tell y your doctoror if you e nursrsing, pregngnant, or plalan to be. side effffects inclulude naus, vomititing, and didiarrhea whicich can caususe dehydratatid may worsenen kidney prproblems. (womoman) i i can do diaiabetes diffffery with mouounjaro. (avo) ask your d doctor abouout oncece-weekly momounjaro.