with other school districts for applicants? absolutely we are. o donnell: and, our eye on america cbs s meg oliver shows us a program working to keep kids safe. if it wasn t for basketball, i don t know what i would be doing right now. this is the cbs evening news with norah o donnell, reporting from the nation s capital. o donnell: good evening to our viewers in the west and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. tonight, we are one step closer to seeing a redacted version of the affidavit the government used to support a search warrant of former president trump s florida home, mar-a-lago. that release could come at any moment. a federal judge ordered the unsealing hours after the justice department submitted the document with redactions. there are parts of the affidavit that federal investigators want to keep secret, citing concerns that it will impact the early stages of this probe. the redactions are expected to be extensive. media organizations, in
are you competing with other school districts for applicants? absolutely we are. o donnell: and our eye on america, cbs s meg oliver shows us a program working to keep kids safe. if it wasn t for basketball, i don t know what i would be doing right now. this is the cbs evening news with norah o donnell, reporting from the nation s capital. o donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. tonight, we are one step closer to seeing a redacted version of the affidavit the government used to support a search warrant of former president trump s florida home mar-a-lago. that release could come at any moment. a federal judge ordered the unsealing just hours after the justice department submitted the document with those redactions. there are parts of the affidavit that federal investigators want to keep secret, citing concerns that it will impact the early stages of this probe. the redactions are expected to be extensive. media organizations
once he does here is what will happen. there will immediate i will be an extension of unemployment benefits through september. billions for state and local governments, billions for schools, billions for vaccine distribution, and expansion of the child tax credit and those $1400 direct stimulus checks. but that right there is only part of the big news that has come out today. a year after the w.h.o. declared a global pandemic we got some of the best news yet. a new study shows the pfizer vaccine prevents near all asymptomatic infections. a huge step towards ending this pandemic and getting us back to normal. on top of that the pfizer vaccine shows it is 97% effective at stopping hospitalizations and deaths including against the uk variant which doctors say is more contagious. it is incredible news delivered at an incredible speed. tonight president bide listen deliver his first prime time address to the nation and he is expected to recognize the immense lost that we have suff
potential nuclear disaster. after weeks of shelling, europe s largest nuclear power plant temporary lost power today for the first time ever. president biden spoke with ukraine within president zelenskyy, both urging russia to withdraw from the facility. cbs s debora patta is in ukraine. reporter: it s an historic first in all the wrong ways. the first time zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has been completely disconnected from the grivmentd it was caused by a fire in a nearby call station that cut off the plant s last remaining supply lines. a constant electricity supply is critical to cooling down spent nuclear fuel and avoiding a disastrous meltdown says nuclear ex hert hamish de bretton gordon. if the power goes off, we re then relying on generators from fairly elderly diesel generates to turn on the safety systems. once you lose the main power supply you re almost in a two
Dziennikarze i rodzice bohaterki „Zatoki świń” protestują przeciw ekranizacji książki przez HBO
Dziennikarze i rodzice bohaterki „Zatoki świń” protestują przeciw ekranizacji książki przez HBO
„Wzywamy stację HBO do zaprzestania jakichkolwiek prac nad ekranizacją książki »Zatoka świń«” - piszą w liście otwartym dziennikarz Onetu Mikołaj Podolski, redaktor naczelny „Reportera” Janusz Szostak i rodzice jednej z bohaterek książki. Jak mówi Wirtualnemedia.pl Podolski, ten list jest wyrazem bezsilności .
Książkę w 2016 roku wydała Agora
Telewizja HBO kupiła prawa do książki „Zatoka świń” (Wydawnictwo Agora) Bożeny Aksamit i Piotra Głuchowskiego, dziennikarzy „Gazety Wyborczej”. Określana jako „kryminał non-fiction” książka opisuje sprawę sopockich klubów nocnych, w których oferowano seks z dziećmi.