I was walking down North Wabash in Chicago yesterday and a beggar (is that politically correct?) yelled out at me, “You’re the reason this country has to put directions on cereal boxes!” Simple things like cereal boxes, shampoo, or soup didn’t used to have directions, but things are always changing. Including our industry. Another non-QM company appears to be exiting: As one AE wrote, echoed by a few others, “Athas Capital Group is shutting down its doors. We will be open for about two more months to fund out our remaining loans in the pipeline. But we are not allowed to submit any newer loans.” For confirmation or details, you should contact Athas Capital or your AE. Certainly the Agencies (namely Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) are always changing, and Chicago is one of six cities (along with Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, and Philadelphia) that are targeted by Fannie Mae for an Equitable Housing Finance Plan. Freddie has a similar plan wi