way jillian ruined my morning by answering a crank light having the person callback five more times. we are back to five more missed calls from this individual. it stop 41 minutes ago but thanks for ruining my morning. jillian: no call id, getting a call from no call id. todd: keep your phones away from her. you are watching fox and friends first on friday morning. jillian: day one of the g7 summit is here, president biden spent one they are brought in england getting a start on his foreign-policy. todd: benjamin all with prime minister boris johnson. reporter: no doubt what we have seen so far is a well choreographed picture-perfect start to the summit but there are certain cracks among the leaders and the biggest issues. president biden met with boris johnson, previously called trump s clone. luckily their families were on hand to support.
it could be hilz illinois. the odds are that kennedy will win. there are some results still to come in. if the present trend continues, senator kennedy will be the next president of the united states. the election may be a close one. i want to express to them and mr. nixon personally. coming up in two days will be an historic election. cleared hillary clinton of any wrong doing. in the context of one candidate trump has call id the election rigged. 2016 koib the year this county elects its first woman president. i m joined my people that know history. dan rather, my friend axis tv.
the election may be a close one. i want to express to them and mr. nixon personally. coming up in two days will be an historic election. cleared hillary clinton of any wrong doing. in the context of one candidate trump has call id the election rigged. 2016 koib the year this county elects its first woman president. i m joined my people that know history. dan rather, my friend axis tv. and susan page, washington bureau chief for usa today. bow to history for a second.
contractor. the u.s. argues that he was acting in self defense. but some in pakistan call id mu it murder. some basic facts like this are in dispute. reporter: exactly. he s driving down the street or some road and two men approach him. he fires back. they have a gun. he fires back and the question is why did he have a gun, diplomats don t always carry guns. and then he shoots these people. then another vehicle from the consulate apparently comes up to help him, goes down a street and hits a man on a motorcycle. that man later dies. so it s very convoluted. let me ask you this. we have seen missions to go and rescue people, americans who are held in jail. we ve seen jesse jackson and jimmy carter do this. john kerry is over there. tell me how that s playing out. reporter: yeah, right. in fact p.j. crowley said senator kerry has just left,