because we edited a couple states, alaska and hawaii you can stay. joe concha, joe were, you itching to redesign the flag? they said we used to redesign our flag up until the 1900s. amazing, right? this shows you, brian, the ultimate disconnect between what is supposed to be the paper of record and sober sane people out there. because this thing is getting destroyed, this whole story is getting destroyed on the left and the right. and, look, bill maher has somehow become the voice of reason on the left. he had the line of the year, right? and i m paraphrasing here he said while the chinese are building bridges, we are arguing over what to rename them. tough expect the times redesign mount rushmore to replace who is on there roosevelt, lincoln, washington and jefferson. stacey abrams, rachel how do you. they are going to call columbus indigenous people day all right that already happened. see schools with washington and lincoln on them to be changed because one was only led by the