Chair ronen the meeting will come to order. Welcome to the march 9, 2020 meeting of the rules committee. I am chair hillary ronen. Seated to my right is rules Committee Member catherine stefani, and seated to my left is Committee Member gordon mar. Id like to thank sfgovtv for airing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Chair ronen thank you. Can you please read item number 1. Clerk item 1 is a motion appointing Megan Wallace to the Treasury Committee for a term ending june 30, 2021. Chair ronen thank you. Megan, if you want to come up . Thank you. My name is Megan Wallace. I just want to share a little bit about my qualifications. First, ive been a Public Servant in the areas of budget, finance, and Public Service for approximately 15 years. In 2008, my family moved to San Francisco, and i began my service with the city and county of San Francisco in the Mayors Office of housing and community development, first under mayor gavin newso
Minutes of that secret counsel we had been meeting and over the last few months. He knew the contents of those records were very controversial and when seen in a certain light or context they could be understood as treason and he was anxious to keep them out of the wrong hands. William clayton to the great benefit of the rest of us. Chose to disobey his profit instead of and set up burning the documents he buried them. Once the crisis was to subdue and he dug up those documents again they might has well have been buried because they remain restricted from scholars and historians believers and skeptics alike for over 175 years. It wasnt until 2014 that the lds church and announced they were going to beat making them available for the first time in published form and they were finally published in 2016. I dont have to tell all of you that whenever there is a document or a series of documents that are keep kept hidden. A lot of legends and myths crop up around them. Over the centuries and
And it appears on the march 10, 2020 agenda unless otherwise stated. Mr. Clerk, call item number 1. Clerk a motion directing the clerk of the board to initiate a request for proposals process for special Investigation Services. Thank you. Supervisor haney, as a sponsor of this measure, the floor is yours. Thank you, chair marr, and good morning, everyone. I think that this is, you know, obviously a very challenging time for our city right now with multiple departments who have been implicated in a larger investigation. Clearly, you know, charges that have been levied by the u. S. Attorney against individuals in government and outside. And it is critical that we do everything that we can to investigate fully, prevent any future fraud or corruption, and to do everything that we can to restore the public trust. This is not a time for business as usual and i think that the public is looking to us as the board of supervisors to investigate fully to make some serious changes around accountab
Place to keep my stuff dry and to sleep safely. And washing up at the gas station, i could make myself presentable, such that it was possible for me to connive a landlord into renting me an apartment even though i was unemployed. That in turn allowed me to have temp work. If my car had been towed during those weeks of living in my car, i probably wouldnt be here today. So i really want to thank the board for your deep discussion on this, staff for your hard staff work, and especially for the public who have been so direct in your storytelling and simply have shown up to fight for a more just San Francisco. The next couple of weeks are going to be really hard. This is only through compassion with the public, and particularly the public who have the hardest choices and clarity around your values that you are going to be able to make the tough calls to deal with the tradeoffs necessary to approve a budget that is balanced, that delivers the service that San Francisco needs, and that deliv
Cards and documents as part of the file will be submitted today as to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the march 21st, 2020, board of supervisors agenda, unless other stated. And related to the coronavirus disease, we are asking all attend decees of this meeting to maintain at least four feet between themselves and others, regularly wash your hands for 20 seconds at a time, and try to avoid touching highvolume services as much as possible. Thank you for that, mr. Clerk. For reasons related to the Current Public Health crisis, we are likely to continue items 3 and 4. So if anyone is here for those, you should be aware of that. So mr. Clerk, can you please call the first item. Item 1is a hearing to consider that the issuance of a type 57 special onsale beer and wine Liquor License to the owners association, doing business as the four seasons private residences, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county. Thank you. Good morning members of the bo