anyone that agreed up anyone that agreed with him. well, it was to murderu know someone else. but i think, you know, you ve got long trump derangement syndrome when you think bin laden has redeeming qualities. but can those things be said about donald trump?e of none of these things cans ca said about donald trump. be said about donald trump. no, trump is withoutp is witf the leas question one of the least honest and most malignantly selfist h human beings i haven s ever come across. uh, apparently met him, which makes sense if you a believe that mean tweets are worse than planning the murder of three thousand innocent people. look for harris to also bring pa up the bright side of caligulan ganga s con and the guy who came up with cars for kidst . but i feel sorry for sam. cap you know, i used to think he s brilliant. if perhaps trouble. but if he only had watched fois show four years agofo, we