Speaker. Go ahead. Do you need help, sir . Can you show the document that i have on the laptop there . Basically i just want you to take a peek at this. This just came out by Jeff Kaczynski and his group. Basically what it is saying is that the people that go into the Navigation Center, they are only going to house 5 , so just consider that. 95 of the people who go to the Navigation Center are not going to get housed. The limited stay, let me see, the end of stay, 30 1 choose to exit by choice. Fortyone , are the navigations really that bad where 41 of the people who actually go there would actually leave . That is what Jeff Kaczynskis numbers imply. San francisco administrative code 106 says that the controller is supposed to provide reports involving the Navigation Centers and i dont have any to date. Also consider the denial of service. 10 the Navigation Centers that were built, they were viable, not the best, but somewhat viable. What Jeff Kaczynski is doing is illegal. Look at the
State Lands Commission as provided in paragraph sounds like theres some objections. I did not hear any remaining valid argument that had to do with ceqa, so in terms of that, i dont think there is a ceqa argument here. I do want to respond to some of the things that were said and talk about how we move forward. You know, i spent, you know, i think a lot of my first couple months in office talking to people about this issue. Dozens of meetings down at the waterfront, talking to hundreds of neighbors, including people who were housed and unhoused, people who were in navigation. I visited all the Navigation Centers that currently exist in our city, and i think i came out of that process believing very strongly that we need Navigation Centers. They are not the entire solutientire entire solution, they are not going to solve the crisis by themselves, but without Navigation Centers, people are forced to create their own we have seen a positive impact on the broader community, so i hope we ca
And i further like to see them expand and build Affordable Housing for low income and very low income bracket people. These that come from me by the time they get to you it takes several years for you to wake up and smell the coffee and doing what i propose. Just like this 600 milliondollar tax by for low income housing. Ive been talking to you about this for years and now you are doing something about t i dont want you to wait that long to take care of this problem here. These organizations are doing to help people in low income and put them to work. Id like to see you expand and build Affordable Housing for those very same incomes of people that you employ. Because you are in position to do so and you can be a leader and theyll follow your lead. Its hard for them to follow my lead. It took me four and a half years to get them to stop giving that multi billion dollar tax breaks to twitter and several other hitech companies. I dont want it to take that long to transact business with yo
[indiscernible] thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. My name is jenny. Im a business owner. According to the report on june 5th, supervisor peskin says if m. T. A. Will offset the records and named the subway station after rose pak, he will [indiscernible] they have already decided to give m. T. A. This power. Why go against the vultures . They voted ten years ago to give the m. T. A. The power to name the new station. The m. T. A. Has already decided, three years ago, to not put a known chinese agents name on the station and call it simply chinatown station. I urge supervisors to respect the voters and m. T. A. In this matter. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Next speaker. Somebody come on up otherwise i am closing. Good afternoon. Good afternoon fellow american citizens. I exercise my american citizenship authority, my United States constitutional rights, my leadership rights, and my admitted residency rights and my joint venture exer
Lead. It took me four and a half years to get them to stop giving that multi billion dollar tax breaks to twitter and several other hitech companies. I dont want it to take that long to transact business with you. So i gro agree with them. Any other speakers that want to speak in support . Madam clerk, theres still going to be later Public Comment. Is that correct . Is there still going to be the later general Public Comment . Yes, thats later. Im going to speak out are you going to speak in support of this item . The last negro is playing at the roxy, its a brilliant film. Anyone else wants to speak in support . It was mentioned earlier that there are 9,000 needles found on the sidewalks to be picked up every morning. There are as well 9,000 cases of bloodborn rep titus using those using illicit substances in the city so i believe you can contribute by eliminating the needle Waste Program which i would greatly encourage. Supervisor yee come on up. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name