be raised in this country, to live in this country, we all see how fragile it could be. cheryl conti, activist in the tech community, says it is a fight over principles. i think that you re going to find californians be completely unapologetic about fighting for what we see as california values. working from home on her desk, one-foot soldier among millions across the golden state countering, resisting trump. miguel marquez, cnn, in the california republic. miguel, thank you. just in, police revealing what they uncovered inside that so-called house of horrors where 13 children were allegedly chained up, denied showers and tortured without food.
so you re ready to go to jail over this? yes. there is a battle between people in california and the administration on a whole range of issues, and it is growing. cnn s bela marquez is there. reporter: the california republic versus president trump. the resistance is legion. reporter: one year into his administration trump is a wake-up call. reporter: the world s sixth largest economy fighting trump administration policies on everything from legal marijuana to taxes to the environment california is not waiting for trump. we re not waiting for all the deniers. reporter: and the escalating fight over immigration. we re going to fight and we re going to win. reporter: california now an immigrant safrpg sanctuary statw
obama years. there is room for evolving or for negotiating here, probably the term that the president would prefer. he is evolving. doing it in this environment is a problem. we ve got to go. mary katherine, brian, thank you so much on that. with a cherry on top. now to california, let me count the ways it differs with the trump administration on major issues. immigration, taxes, of course, marijuana, just to name a few. miguel marquez takes a look at how that state has become the center point of the so-called resistance translator: california republic versus president trump. the resistance is legion. reporter: one year into his administration trump is a wake-up call. reporter: the world s sixth largest economy fighting trump administration policies on everythi
as we approach the one-year mark of donald trump s presidency, the battles between the white house and california are intensifying, both sides clashing over immigration, recreational pot, taxes, the environment. cnn s miguel marquez on why the divide is only deepen iing. reporter: the california republic versus president trump. the resistance is legion. reporter: one year into his administration trump is a wake-up call. reporter: the world s sixth largest economy fighting trump administration policies on everything from legal marijuana to taxes to the environment. california is not waiting for we re not waiting for all the deniers. reporter: a the escalating fight over immigration. we re going to fight and
cnn is looking at how different segments of the population feel about the president so far. . we look at the wall of resistance in one key state, california. cnn s miguel marcez is looking into what is driving the opposition. the california republic versus president trump. the resistance is legion. one year into his administration trump is a wake-up call. the world s sixth largest economy fighting trump administration policies on everything from legal marijuana to taxes to the environment. california is not waiting for trump. we re not waiting for all the denialers. and the escalating fight over immigration. we re going to fight and we re going to win.