straight? i said i wanted to pick out my cell, and it was just a joke and i just thought it out loud and i guess they heard or something. what you coming to prison for today, homey? you obviously doing something wrong. they volunteered me to come. who volunteered you? my probation officer. why? i stole a car and joy rided and i went to boot camp. i don t think you re ready for this. i don t think i m ready either. i don t plan on trying to get locked up anymore. we basically said the same thing. we re not going to come to prison. look where we re at now. that s all it takes, man. one mistake. what do the gang do for you? give me one good thing that the gang do for you, your gang. just back you up. for what? when you have a problem, they re there, you know?
the last time i saw a tree? oh, it s been years. years. it s been years since i saw a tree. when was the last time i interacted with some people? years. but some of the staff here believe brown earned his shu term. serving a 40-year sentence for rape, brown landed in the shu when he assaulted an officer at another prison. me and another guy was frustrated one morning. we went to breakfast and an officer had really been aggravating me. the guy that was with me, he beat one police up and i beat another police with a brick. and i hurt him pretty badly. so do you think anyone deserves to be in here? in here? of course not. of course not. i don t think nobody, absolutely nobody, regardless of whether
that became a warden and was down there in the trenches. you re all right. you look ragged, man. every time i see you, you look ragged. you don t try to do no better. you ve been out here working all night. you need to shave [ bleep ]. i have. i m a slave up there in that kitchen. please. he cared about his inmates and he wanted them to do well and it pissed him off when they screwed up. how? you just came back out of lockup. that was nothing. culliver became warden in 2002 when the prison was facing some serious problems. it was a violent facility. if you talked to some of the people in the community, probably a great number of times they saw an ambulance coming this way, they thought the ambulance was coming to the holman prison. that was the case then, but that s not necessarily case now. but culliver knows all too well that at a maximum security prison like holman, violence can be reduced, but not eliminated.
or something. and you have to learn how to grow eyes in the back of your head and learn how to fight real good in prison. can t have nobody punk you. can t be no bitch in here. there are inmates in here for 20 years, even though we re friendly and we speak, they walk up on me, i still want to know what they re doing. i will kill a friend for messing me around quicker than i will anybody else. betraying my trust. spitting on my trust. i guess it don t make me mad, it hurts, too, you know? for inmates to survive, they have to make friends. they have to make alliances for security purposes. the problem is they re surrounded by people who aren t very trustworthy. so here s the dilemma you have to make friends for protection but they can be the friends that end up killing you. finding true friendship in prison might be a dicey proposition.
we met christopher carrillo inside a heavily graded cell at san quentin. you give respect, you get respect. a lot of people say these guys don t treat us right. at times they don t, but it s hard when you ve got a lot of people in here. can t be happy too much in prison. it s not disneyland. but another inmate at another california prison had a harsher view the cos. i hate cops. they re diabolical. they re petty. they present to the public that they re law and order, this and that but in here they ll stab you in the back. they write false write-ups. they got a hidden agenda. they want to keep us locked up in here so they make money. you know, this is a prison industrial complex. it s all about money. there is one place, however, where trust is put to the ultimate test. it s the prison kitchen. everything back here could be made into a potential weapon. those sheet pans are very thin and they re sharp on the edges. it only takes one of these guys to pick one of those up and th