that was a race i think we were all very we were shocked by. i mean, when he decided to run, when he won, i think there was shock. however, he proved to be a pretty decent but he was likeable. he wasn t a provocateur. there was no donald trump then. i m sure that most people in california didn t even know who larry elder was. and there was, 20-plus people on the ballot anyway. what do you think, trumpism is not dead? does it work i don t even know if you can say it because california is blue. blue, blue, blue. does trumpism work when trump isn t on the ballot, laura? i think that to alice s point it can work in some places when trump isn t on the ballot. it can work in certain congressional districts. it can work in certain senate races, in more centrist or redder states. in a state like california no. but it also showed that to mark point that there is no moderation right now in the republican party when it comes to distancing from trump or trying to go more toward the
have one of the strictest laws. look, at the end of the day, the presidential candidates, there are 16 of them, fredericka. they are all out there today telling us what they would do differently. and i think tonight the president has an opportunity to tell us what he s been doing since august of 2014 when we began to launch military strikes against isis. so i think this is a very important speech. i hope the american people tune in. and i hope the politicians also tune in and tell whus thus what would do differently. among those presidential candidate, donald trump was asked today if his idea of tracking muslim-americans and giving every american guns would go too far in effect create more terrorists. here s what he said. they re killing people. what s too far? whether it is what we just saw the california or in paris. they re killing people, nrnlt people, people without gunning. you look at paris. no guns. nothing. you look at california no, guns. i can tell you one thing.