Whatever happened to Google’s “Don’t be evil” motto? That corporate maxim is apparently gone, and the Internet behemoth has decided to display its super villain side. The latest example is a campaign in California to demonstrate just how easily the company could crush news outlets if state lawmakers dare to pass a law requiring that […]
Google’s announcement that it will test the removal of links to news sites for some California users is a shameful attempt to fend off legislation that would force the search giant to pay for the news content that fuels its business. Assembly Bill 886, also known as the California Journalism Preservation Act, would require Google […]
Google's decision to cut off California news websites from search results was a threat to drop a bill to make it pay for the news it uses. It didn't work.
OP-ED: Google’s recent announcement that it will test the removal of links to news sites for some California users is a shameful attempt to fend off legislation that would force the search giant to pay for the news content that fuels its business.