Critical Race Theory Should Not Have the Only Seat at the Table
There’s no greater demon these days than Critical Race Theory (CRT), a field of criticism devoted to understanding the ways in which racism has systematically harmed people of color. Or at least that’s how it would seem, judging by the number of op-eds and media discussions from both conservative and liberal sources that regularly denounce it.
It’s infiltrating our schools, we’re told.
It’s quickly becoming the primary ideology that undergirds all of our most sacred American institutions, from schools to businesses to government. We must root it out or risk going down with the sinking ship that is American culture, critics lament.
0:08 – What’s in, and not in, the new COVID relief package
John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) is National Affairs Correspondent for
The Nation.
0:34 – How to get unemployment claims processed and navigating the EDD, plus listeners call-in
Daniela Urban is Executive Director of the Center for Workers’ Rights and special counsel to Legal Aid At Work (@LegalAidAtWork).
1:08 – Community healthcare responding to the COVID surge: the Rafiki Coalition
Dr Monique LeSarre is executive director of the Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness (@RafikiCoalition), dedicated to “eliminating health inequities in San Francisco’s Black and marginalized communities through education, advocacy, and by providing holistic health and wellness services.”