reporter: the celebrated on facebook. this is a thousand rounds of nine millimeter. reporter: police in california say the killers had 12 pipe bombs and simple bombs with pipe components bought in hardware stores. black or smokeless powder you can buy by the pound. a terrorist magazine that takes you through a step-by-step process that promises a bomb from materials in your mom s kitchen. the bombs in california didn t work. similar, cheaply made bombs in boston did. cheap, easy, and everything needed, purchased legally. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. the president is speaking at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. we are covering it live. then at 9:00 p.m. that all-star tribute celebration of cnn heroes. the first baltimore police officer being tried for the death of freddie gray is back in court tomorrow. a lot of people are saying, this trial is moving quickly. we have some experts weighing in. also, a plane carrying actor