but we re talking about the flip side, though, as government strengths will the private sector grow. i make the argument that it does. and i ll make the argument that at this point the numbers we ve seen from the shrinking, from the sequester, that it s so minimal it doesn t have anything to do with each other. john, what do you think? i d say laying off cops and teachers in detroit has nothing to do with the bach formation in north and south dakota. gary b. is 100% correct. government can hinder things. the monterrey shell was drilled in california california. that wipes out the california deficit. if we had a national energy plan, we could create millions of jobs by knowing if a pipeline works or if a pipeline doesn t. we are the only developed country in the world not having one. that does hurt. jim, take him on. we ve got a lot of part-time workers in this jobs report. why is that? because of government mandate relating to obama care.
this story will probably make you pretty angry. after the terror attacks on september 11th, california launched a program where the department of motor vehicles sold a special 9/11 memorial license plate. all the funds were supposed to go to either anti-terror programs or a scholarship program for the family members of californian 9/11 victims. instead, both governors jerry brown and arnold schwarzenegger used the funds to help plug up the california deficit. here to comment is the host of varney & company on the fox business network, stuart varney. how could they possibly do that? it s a mark of desperation. california is broke. they ve got a $17 billion deficit and they re scrounging around to any available pool of cash including this one to sort of help them bail out that deficit. even though, look, they re $15 million that s been collected over the past 10 years. you pay $50 and you get the special license plate. $40 annual renewal fee.