and there are still truckers protesting at the oakland port. the president of the oakland port services says that truckers have been restricted to designatedtr free speech zons or face arrest. laura , i love thoseha free speech zones. matt , thanks so much. joining me now is california assemblyman vince fong. he s also vice chair of the transportation committee. and now, assemblyman. this issue is not just a local issue. it s something that will impact everyone. how so? well, this law is an ill conceived law. we warned the governor when wece were debating this bill and when you signed in 2013. but those seventy thousand independent truckers represented 70% of the truckersr to operate ines and around the ports of california and 40 percent of the products c percent of the products c the united states come through the ports in california and 30 percent of our exports go out throughxp ports. so