Brad Gage, the attorney representing the Atilano family, is also representing Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer’s family in their similar wrongful death claim.
If the voters approve a future tax to supply additional revenue to fund the cost of employing more full-duty sworn officers, then the city will set a minimum staffing number for the next five years.
The claim asserts that the fatigue resulting from these demanding work schedules impairs the deputies ability to stay alert and respond effectively in the line of duty.
The grant, awarded by the California Office of Traffic Safety via funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is expected to support continuous enforcement and educational driving courses.
"It really started with the change in law in 2014 with Prop 47, which was voted on by the voters, I should say, and the voters were duped into voting for that. It was called the safe streets and schools act," Sheriff Jim Cooper said.