several thousand plants out by the roots, then piling them up and hoisting them out. if we didn t have the helicopter we never could have found this. you couldn t just drive down the dirt road down here and locate this. reporter: once the area is secure and the dope is out the way out is the same as the way in, straight up. at $2,000 or more a plant the street value of today s haul in excess of $2 million. take this into consideration, there have been pot farms found in 16 states on federal coress land and here in california 75% of the pot seized last year was on public land, megyn. megyn: adam, thank you. outrage around the globe over this pastor s plan to burn the koran on 9/11. the white house is now considering calling this guy. the president weighed in on the issue earlier. we ll have a live report from the white house three minutes away. plus, what is the best way to fix the economy? is it raise taxes, cut spending? we ve got a fair & balanced debate with two of the top guys