want. there s a way to get that message out. but we should not judge him. what he is saying right now. i can t. it is i don t know how much that disease has affected him. i know it is the frontal lobes. that s where you think. laura: by the way. jim, when because you showed me this book. you wrote a cal culous book. is that right. annuallytic geometry. laura: you should have made the white g house. ihe still don t understand contt cullous. writing this while akill prisonf war. 100 pages. i tell that story all the time. actually it is now in the marine corp archives. laura: of course it is. you are amazing. i love you. i adore you. frank. thank you for being with us. great conversation. god bless john mccain and his entire family. it is a brutal disease. we need to find a cure for all