but never the red bull defense. there you have it. a state psychiatrist in the florida area seems to be buying it. buying the theory that in 2009 homicide of his father, by pillow strangulation, smothering his father, first a certain self-defense but now his lawyers are saying he had a psychotic break because of red bull induced sleeplessness. he didn t sleep for a period of time. we tonight have the reports from the doctor, they re not public. it caused him to not know the nature of his acts and not know he was killing his father and not know it was a bad thing to kill your father so in looking at this and researching the caffeine issue, do you know that there is such a thing as caffeine intoxication? do you know that what s called the dsm which is the kind of blue book for psychiatrists, that is a psychiatric disorder. how many cups of coffee did you have today? so far, three.