19January 2021
The UK’s illegal rave scene has spiked in popularity during lockdown, with gatherings taking place everywhere from London warehouses to school bathrooms. The latest drama comes from a group of people caught throwing a party in south-east England, who told police they were “unaware” of the coronavirus pandemic because they don’t follow the news.
According to Hampshire police, officers responded to an incident in Basingstoke this weekend after numerous reports of a party at a residence in breach of COVID-19 rules.
The bizarre incident came to light after Hampshire constabulary tweeted about the party on Saturday, alongside the hashtag #ThereAreNoWords.
Speaking to
The Mirror on Friday (December 18), Bell’s mother Fiona said that the boy’s speaker and lights had been seized by teachers.
In a Facebook post which shed more light on the juvenile DJ set, however, she explained that she had seen the amusing side of the incident, asking: “Am I wrong for finding this funny?”
“I had to laugh. It has been a terrible year and I couldn’t be angry with my son for trying to spread some cheer,” she continued.
“When I got the call, it made perfect sense. Cael had been up, dressed and ready to leave for school early that morning which was unheard of in our house. He had the biggest smile on his face so I knew he had something up his sleeve.”
12-year-old has DJ equipment confiscated after hosting a rave in school toilets funny shit 21/12/2020
Cael Bell, a 12-year-old Manchester student has had his DJ equipment confiscated off him after he hosted a rave in the school toilets.
The student decided to hold an impromtu rave during a lunch break on December 11th at St Antony s Catholic College.
The rave included complimentary soft drinks and chocolates and lasted 30 minutes.
Cael s Mum posted about her son s antics on Facebook. Check out the post below.
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An eighth-grader in the UK has thrown a ‘rave’ in his school’s toilet block, complete with his very own DJ decks and speakers.
As posted by his mother on Facebook, 12-year-old Cael Bell organised the rave via Snapchat at his Manchester, UK school a week in advance, promising chocolates and soft drink for all ‘eighth-grade boys’ who came. He decked it out with lights, speakers and a deck his mother, Louise, posted that it lasted about 30 minutes before the school teachers investigated and shut it down.