During a recent regular meeting of the Nelson air cadets in January, two of the squadrons senior cadets were presented with their Air Cadet Long Service Medal. This medal is for cadets who have completed four years in the cadet program. The cadets who received the medal were Flight Sergeant Ashley Sonnichsen and Flight Sergeant Brooke Sonnichsen. Both Brooke and Ashley joined
Bill Haire, the President of the Nelson branch of the Royal Canadian Legion visited the Nelson air cadets during the squadron’s Commanding Officer’s parade recently. After inspecting the cadets, Haire spoke to the cadets about the role of the Royal Canadian Legion, the meaning of the Poppy, the significance of Remembrance Day and the how the branch supports the community.
On December 3rd, the cadets of 561 Squadron had their regular in person weekly meeting. During the evening, several cadets received recognition for the work they have done in squadron. The most impressive award was for Flight Sergeant Nattanon McIntosh. McIntosh was awarded the Air Cadet Long Service Medal. This medal is for cadets who have completed four years in the cadet