Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Sacked Punjab minister Vijay Singla and his OSD, both of whom were arrested Tuesday on corruption charges, have been booked on a government officer s complaint they demanded Rs 1.16-crore bribe from allotment of projects and a one per cent commission in all future contracts. India News | Vijay Singla, OSD Booked as Govt Officer Alleges They Demanded Rs 1.16 Cr Bribe, 1% Commissions.
Roofing claims, property insurance, and Russian disinvestment: On Tuesday, for the first time in more than six months, the Florida Cabinet actually met in Tallahassee to tackle business on a variety of fronts.
Roofing claims, property insurance, and Russian disinvestment: On Tuesday, for the first time in more than six months, the Florida Cabinet actually met in Tallahassee to tackle business on a variety of fronts.