The Verkhovna Rada (Parliamentary) Committee on National Security and Defence has removed provisions on demobilisation and the rotation of military personnel from the government's mobilisation bill, which is being prepared for its second reading.
Business associations appealed to the president and other authorities to ensure crucial reforms in Ukraine. Twenty-one Ukrainian business associations, including IT-Ukraine Association, CEO Club, Ukrainian Business Council, Chamber of Commerce and others, made a public appeal to the president, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada with a demand to ensure crucial steps for business are taken. The list of requirements from business includes three institutional reforms, in particular the restart of the Bureau of Economic Security (with a competitive selection of a new director that includes a decisive vote of the international representatives and recertification of staff) and the restart of the State Customs Service.
Latvia plans to auction off the nationalized Moscow House and the land underneath it in Riga to support Ukraine, the country’s LSM news outlet reported on March 26, citing a decision by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Despite pressure from the Presidential Office the Verkhovna Rada rejected the Cabinet of Minister's draft law on restarting the Bureau of Economic Security (BES). On Feb. 23, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine rejected the Cabinet of Ministers’ draft law #10439 on the fake restart of the BES. Despite huge pressure from the Office of the President and persuasion from the Justice and Economy ministries, the law only got 222 out of the 226 votes needed for it to pass.
The Cabinet of Ministers is holding an off-site meeting in Lviv Oblast, with the blockade of the border being one of the key issues. Source: Denys Shmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine, on Telegram Quote: "Today, we are holding an off-site government meeting.