for days. hours, and if you know that number one and what happened to the people that were in there before he stole the first car? i don t believe there were anybody in there on thursday. at the start of the investigation. we donwas anybody in that cabin. that is somebody that either a rental or the owner. was any did you guys find weapons in either the burned out cabin or the one that he he had been staying in? any sort of personal belongings that have linked you can talk about that? some of these things are still preliminary, and as the investigation moves forward. we have more information regarding those things. belongings have found though in that cabin with him? as i said, some of that information will become available at the conclusion of the investigation. cabin on thursday. when do you believe he made entry into the cabin? i would imagine that it could have been thursday but i m telling you at the time there was nobody renting that cabin. did you tell. ent