[laughter] yodanau , you could actually tak about what you are getting per se. dana: i do not spend a dime on him, i don t i let my sister do that. my sister. c4 shows like 17 cats right?an c6 to rescue cats. she s good at buying him littlet gifts are hampered a whole stocking that was ready tooc go. he wil l be set. mostly it s like any tennis ball or some sort of ball he will take it. greg: just admit you have a piece of advice about this. jesse: rookie is a jewish he does not celebrate christmas. [laughter] supported you the brisk? dana: what you get from veronica? jesse: , jazz or hanukkah? he doesn t get him anything because he doesn t know it s christmas who cares. super exactly. y christmas.
without a coat. it was nine degrees out. it s just like the movies. that guys wearing the big suit. he walks up to me. they re examining it. the cops decided to x-ray mats torso right there and a lot. using a portable extreme issue. they took one and it to create that image. we saw multiple fires running through the tape and around that organic material. at that time, it couldn t determine if it was actual c4 or type of explosive. or if it s a type of clay to simulate a hoax device. they re looking at it, coming up with a plan, what they re going to do. finally, because as, you know, we re gonna take this off of you. so, i went down with a couple of couple of cutting tools. had him basically from the. lifted his shirt up. slowly started cutting the tape of this back. as if that had not already going through and up the state,
suv. months as he hurt another car start-up. suddenly, there is movement in his vehicle. they were back on the road. he was relieved to eventually find himself back home. that, according to matt, the kidnappers asked him on question. let me down the coach and asked me if i wanted to take a shower. the shower? after all of this? after all that. i said, sure. i ll take a shower. a shower? after terrorizing him for three hours. how strange. what was going on? that, that story took another bizarre turn. he says he was led into the kitchen or something was waiting for him on the table. they said, do you know what this is? i said, no. they said, this is c for explosive. we re gonna make an explosive device. we re gonna strap it to you because we don t trust you that you re gonna do what you re told. c4, a plastic explosive that is used by the military and terrorists. it could be molded likely into
government, universities in the private sector. not always doing it for the money but they do it for an american of course the freedom to pursue great and worthy intellectual challenges,. art thanks dan that s it for this week schober thanks to my panel and thanks to all of you for watching. we hope to see you right here next week. arthel: the crisis at our southern border expected to spiral further out of control and for days when title 42 silent restrictions are lifted. a huge number of migrants now lining up waiting to cross into the u.s. welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news alive i m arthel neville hi brian per. c4 and i am brian everett sean. border agents are already seeing a surge in some of the busiest sectors of putting more pressure on overwhelmed shelters appeared former border patrol chief scott
our eye on that issue to breed is significant. c4 you know thinking in beijing because of your service what goes on in their minds in terms of coveting what you saw and what we have seen with these astounding protests paired how surprised were you? how far could the scope of this potentially shake resident she s grip on power? i am surprised. the chinese are pretty docile but they typically with what the government says it. they are ticked off, they re angry but it s been three years they ve been locked up. the economy is getting shut down they have had it. but i do not think that s going to shake she s jinping s power for several reasons number one there is huge division between government officials on what to do and finally stepped in and called in the troops. here she s jinping solving power people in china know that. she s jinping s going to give them a little bit of care but